The story “How Full is your Bucket?” by Tom Roth is a great story to discuss the importance of how positive and negative words, and actions can affect the mental health of others. In Prep-ONE (Senior Kindergarten), we introduced the story after many discussions on equality and inclusion during our Black History Month unit, to further extend the conversation and discuss the importance of our actions and their impact on others.
How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Roth
After reading How Full is Your Bucket, we had a long class discussion about our actions and what we can do to make our friends, family and peers have full buckets. Students talked about making a conscious effort to be kind to others. Below are some of the thoughts and ideas the students talked about during our class discussion on bucket filling:
Student 1: We should smile at our friends.
Student 2: Sharing toys with my sister makes her happy.
Student 3: When my friend can’t read a word, I can help them.
Student 4: I help my mom and dad grocery shop.
Student 5: Saying nice words to our friends will fill their buckets.
Student 6: If someone is not nice, we can be nice to them.
Student 7: When we are filling buckets, we feel happy.
Filling Your Bucket in Kindergarten Montessori
During this class, students realized that our buckets are full when we are kind to one another, and that they are empty when we are rude or mean to others. Children in Prep-ONE learned strategies to lift one another, instead of bringing each other down through literature. Reading is a fantastic tool to help students understand concepts such as positivity and mental well-being. We encourage every parent to spend time using books as a way to help develop valuable learning lessons.
Click here for some helpful tips on how to make reading more fun for your child.
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