Rowntree Montessori Schools operates a number of campuses in Brampton, each one designed and structured to suit its students’ needs.
- RMS Academy campus (905) 790-3838
- RMS Central Park campus (905) 793-6231
- RMS Downtown Brampton campus (905) 457-7439
Preparatory campuses are equipped with a security access system and our office staff monitors the Academy’s entrance. All classrooms are furnished with child-appropriate furniture, age-appropriate Montessori based learning materials as well as devices which include learning enhancing Educational Software.
All campuses feature safe playgrounds for daily outdoor recesses and playtime. In addition, each campus has a gymnasium for indoor Physical Education and enrichment activities.
Rowntree Montessori Schools has retained its separate campuses in order to provide a friendly, personalized, positive and child-centered environment for its students. As a result, it is better able to address the needs of the different age children.