Every year students from Rowntree Montessori Schools participate in an annual year end holiday concert where they showcase their talent and enthusiasm for entertaining family and friends. Students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8 at each of the campuses did an exceptional job singing, dancing and showcasing their festive spirit! It is events such as these concerts that make RMS so special and a much sought after private school.

Central to our curriculum is not only English, Math and Science, but also character and global and local citizenship and being part of a community. Many of those skills are emphasized at our annual holiday concert. The RMS community is truly rich in its diversity, and while not all of us celebrate Christmas, we certainly can all embrace a celebration like the holiday concert. Our holiday concerts offer students of all ages the chance to sing, dance, act and showcase their talent, and are a perfect opportunity for children to build their self-confidence. Watch some of our youngest students at the Mayfield Campus doing a lovely job performing on stage in the video below.
Happy holidays from everyone at Rowntree Montessori Schools!
To learn more about Rowntree Montessori Schools (RMS), continue browsing our website and ideally drop by any of our welcoming, friendly and family oriented campuses for a personal tour anytime Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:00pm. If you prefer, call to book an appointment for a personal tour anytime Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:00pm.
More details about Rowntree Montessori Schools‘ approach to education can be seen by clicking here.