Using good manners is an excellent habit for all us to practice on a daily basis. Is it really a lost art, or do we still have enough etiquette inside each of us to be able to share our knowledge with all of the young children that we encounter daily?

Let’s think of the first few words that should be spoken first thing in the morning: they are simple and could quite possibly make someone feel important. What might those be? Why, it’s “Good Morning!” and “How are you today?” Think about how amazing hearing those words makes you feel. How do you think it would impact someone who may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed? They make you feel that you are someone who is important to those around you.
Looking the person who you are speaking to directly in the eyes always helps with getting a message across more meaningfully. They need to know that you are speaking to them and that they have your full attention.

A smile – what a great thing to show to people around you! Not many of us know how to show a smile anymore; we often become straight-faced and show our exhaustion. It’s so simple to show someone that you wish them well and want them to have a great day, just by flashing a smile. A simple smile is all it takes to make someone’s day, and you’ll never know how much of a difference you’ve made. Does it not make sense to all of us to be able to be comfortable in our surroundings and feel welcomed and at ease? It makes our days better and things just seem to flow with greater ease around us.

A simple “Please” and “Thank you” – words that are very rarely spoken, but words that should be spoken without any hesitation, consistently, every day. Before you walk away from someone that has given you something or has done something for you, stop and think… Remember those simple kind words. Remember that actions and words which are filled with kindness and respect will make you feel good, and everyone around you should feel fantastic as a result.
Remember that manners matter:
- Be polite
- Say hello
- Offer to help
- Hold the door
- Smile
- Pay a compliment
- Use” please” and “thank you”
Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society. – Alexander McCall Smith
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More details about Rowntree Montessori Schools‘ approach to education can be seen by clicking here.