Brought to you by Rowntree Montessori Schools
Nurturing Tomorrow’s Achievers Since 1969
Our AHA! Moments take place in our classrooms, every day!
At Rowntree Montessori Schools, our younger students benefit from using Montessori materials to enhance their daily learning, and all RMS students are regularly engaged with sophisticated educational technologies. But sometimes, the simplest everyday items can make for the best teaching and learning tools. The pizza has become such a tool at Rowntree, and not just because recycled cardboard boxes make for great STEM building materials! Pizzas make for terrific real-world examples for fractions and pie-graph lessons in Mathematics, and our students also use pizzas as a way of learning step-by-step instructions and food-based vocabulary in French class. These happy Grade 5 students had just finished an oral presentation in which they described their perfect pizza and explained to their classmates how their pizzas were made.
To learn more about Rowntree Montessori Schools (RMS), continue browsing our website and ideally drop by any of our welcoming, friendly and family oriented campuses for a personal tour anytime Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:00pm. If you prefer, call to book an appointment for a personal tour anytime Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:00pm.
More details about Rowntree Montessori Schools‘ approach to education can be seen by clicking here.