Some Tips for Helping Your Kids Learn at Home During COVID-19
Reach Out To Your Child’s Teacher (s)
- Ask the teacher fort their suggestions on how best to follow the lesson schedule and plan for the day
- Teachers can also give you tips on how to effectively facilitate your child’s learning
- Talk to your friends and see what is working best for their children and try to incorporate some of these practices.
Set Up a Dedicated Workspace for your Child
- Make sure that your child has a desk or table where they work quietly and uninterrupted, with little-to-no distraction. Ensure that the desk area is tidy and bright, if possible.
- Turn off televisions and make sure that devices and phones are put away
- Have a laptop or desktop computer set up for your child, with a hard-wired internet connection
- Ensure that your child has schools supplies handy, including pencils, erasers, pens, calculator etc.
Plan The Day With Your Child
- Even if you’re following a lesson plan, it’s good to brainstorm with your child about their day ahead
- Provide them with options. Ask them what how they feel about doing things in certain ways. Be sure to give them time to adjust to the new routine and schedule.
Involve the Family
- Remote learning involves integrating your child’s educational schedule with your family’s regular routine.
- Have a chat with your family and know what their expectations are with the remote learning setup- and what is expected of them.
Be Flexible
- Learning from home can be challenging, new and frustrating at times.
- Facilitate your child’s study schedule closely, but be flexible to change it up based on your child’s learning tendencies and emotional state at the time.
Use Free Resources
- Your child’s schools will provide lessons, but you can also make use of other resources like worksheets that are available online to support or expand upon your child’s lesson.
- Pearson Education Resources is providing comprehensive textbooks, digital products, teaching materials and services for Elementary, High School and Professional Education for Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, French, AP and IB, Art, Career and Technology. www.pearsoncanadaschool.com
Enjoy the Time with your Children
- We all know that this is an unprecedented and challenging time. But try to make the most of the extra time that you have together as a family.
- Create memories with your children. Take advantage of the extra time and play some board games, create crafts, go through old family photo albums and pictures, or work in the backyard together.
- Your children will remember this time when they are older so try to create some positive memories about how your family coped.
More details about Rowntree Montessori Schools‘ approach to education can be seen by clicking here.