Everything started with a French group assignment. The students were assigned a task to write a short story in French about a new boy who, at first, was not included in a game with the other children of the class. After the new boy shared his feelings about being excluded, the boys invited him to join them and they were all happy, playing basketball together. All students explained very clearly in their books that exclusion hurts. In addition, they illustrated their books with pictures explaining the content. Also, they made a poster saying: “Say NO to Bullying” – “Dis NON à l’Intimidation.”
After they completed their assignments, the grade 5 students read and explained their ideas to the Grade 1 classes during reading buddies. This was an excellent opportunity for the senior students to explain what bullying meant to them, and that no one should be left out of any game. Everybody plays together without excluding anyone because it hurts people’s feelings. And, of course, all of this was done in French, which gave our students ample practice with French reading and pronunciation!
In short, while the students from Grade 1 learned new French words and loved spending time with reading buddies, the Grade 5’s were happy assisting the little ones and explaining what bullying means. They took initiative and leadership roles, and enjoyed teaching the younger ones about the value of friendship through their French activity. Well done Grade 5’s! Your French assignments were awesome! Vous avez fait un très bon travail!
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