“Yoga creates children who are bright lights in this world, increasing their self-awareness and strengthening their bodies.” – Shakta Khalsa

I have been a strong believer and follower of yoga ever since I can remember. Yoga has helped me to keep balance in my own life, it has taught me to be more patient, and helped my body stay healthy with flexibility. Seeing the positive effects it had on my own life, I decided to introduce a yoga program to our students. The children gather every Wednesday morning in the gym for a 30 minute practice session to learn and sharpen their yoga poses. The poses are done standing, sitting and lying down. Each pose challenges various muscle groups while helping a child become aware of his/her body and how it efficiently functions. Yoga poses enhance physical flexibility and strength because children learn to use their muscles in new ways.

Yoga helps develop focus, concentration, balance and dexterity. The poses which we practise during yoga encourage children to clear their minds and focus on the present pose. For example, when children were taught the tree pose, the first thing they needed to learn was to stand still. They did this by staying calm and finding something to focus upon. After accomplishing this stage, the children were then challenged to further their pose to the next level. Now being able to focus, the students learn to coordinate their movements so they are able to balance on one foot completing the pose.

As a result, children learn to focus and concentrate during class time. Yoga also teaches them to persevere, be patient and work towards daily goals. Teachers like me have found that incorporating yoga and meditation into the daily schedule has had a positive impact on the completion of daily tasks. It has enhanced and strengthened the quality of students’ learning potential, and helped them to sustain their concentration, therefore making them more productive during their work day and helping them to achieve success in their learning environment.
We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you the private school community of which we are so proud!
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More details about Rowntree Montessori Schools‘ approach to education can be seen by clicking here.