The grade four students at Rowntree were delighted to learn about several animals and their behavioural actions in French! Learning the names of various animals, their behaviour and mannerisms, all in French, through listening and writing activities was pretty exciting for these young French learners. This was also followed by creating authentic animal puppets!

The students enthusiastically interacted with their peers by participating in oral French discussions and curiously asking each other questions about these animals. They did all this by framing questions in the form of dialogues, creating innovative ways to answer those questions, thereby learning French grammar and verb conjugations. Usually French grammar is not something very exciting to learn, but learning using such a fun-filled technique probably helped them to better grasp this knowledge!

Another engaging method used in the classroom was to have students work collaboratively in pairs to create an advertisement for shoes. This was done in conjunction with the animal assignment. Practicing their communication skills, the grade 4 students actively presented their advertisements using the success criteria established beforehand. Their projects were completed in an excellent manner, using original ideas to once again practice course language skills. The students’ pride of achieving these objectives in French was priceless! What else can a teacher ask for than joyful students who work hard and yield successful results that will help them in their future?
Felicitations et Bon Travail!
To see more posts about French related activities at Rowntree Montessori Schools, click here.
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