Did you know that everyone has an imaginary bucket?
Grade 2A has been learning all about Bucket Filling and what it means to fill, or dip into, someone’s bucket. The purpose of this activity is to promote harmony and kindness not only within the classroom, but in the students’ everyday lives outside of school as they begin to emulate these behaviours.
So what does it mean to fill someone’s bucket? The Grade 2’s read a story called “How Full is Your Bucket? For Kids” by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. The story explains how everyone has an imaginary bucket above their heads that, when full, helps them feel a sense of happiness and care for themselves and for others. When someone’s bucket is being dipped into, they feel sad. The story sends a great message to ensure that children understand what it means to fill someone’s bucket, and how, in turn, their bucket gets filled in the process!
After the story was read, the Grade 2’s discussed ways that they can fill someone’s bucket. Some examples of bucket filling were: invite someone to play with them if they don’t have anyone to play with; be kind and respectful towards others; make someone feel better when they are sad; help to clean up a mess even if the mess was not yours; and say nice things to one another. All of the ideas were thought of by the students themselves, and since the exercise, the students have been much more aware of what they say and how they treat their friends. This story is definitely a great tool for creating a warm, caring environment within the classroom. It also helps bring to light positive ways to deal with social issues before they possibly become bullying situations.
Bucket Fillers 101 is a website with many great resources that can be used to reinforce the Bucket Filling philosophy both in the classroom and at home. There are many publications and versions of the “How Full is Your Bucket?” story that are suitable for many ages and grades, because you are never too young or old to fill someone’s bucket!
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