As part of a series of guest visits, the RMS Junior Robotics clubs welcomed seniors who shared their childhood experiences regarding technology. Students learned the differences between current day technologies and the use of technology in everyday life from when their great grandparents were young. Students also heard about the varying levels of technology in different countries and how technology spreads at different speeds in the rural areas as opposed to cities. The visit was inspiring and the members of our Junior Robotics Club have already started to work on designing and building interesting 3D objects using Lego to help represent the changes in technology over the last 85 years.
With four(4) generations in attendance, the session was tremendously enlightening and provided our students with a renewed appreciation for the modern day conveniences they have come to know as normal.
The Monday and Wednesday Junior Robotics clubs would like to thank our visiting grandparents and great grandparents for a very informative and enjoyable visits.