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Mathletics in Rowntree Montessori’s Curriculum

Here at Rowntree, we are always willing to embrace new concepts and the use of technology in the classroom. So when we discovered a fully interactive, global Mathematics program, we jumped at the chance to get on board! Last year, the grade 5 students were selected to try out the interactive website for 2 weeks. Three days into the trial, parents were commenting on their kids coming home and sitting in front of the computer for hours challenging themselves. The incentive was definitely there. Comments were flying, “I schooled a teacher”, “Whoa, look at him go” and so on. I have never in all my years of teaching seen a class so excited about math. Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback, we proceeded to implemented this amazing program into our Math curriculum.

Rowntree Mathletics score in the first 2 weeks of use. The Grade 6's were number one in Canada!
Rowntree Mathletics score in the first 2 weeks of use. The Grade 6’s were number one in Canada!

So How does Mathletics work?

‘Mathletics’ is the next generation in learning. It helps students to embrace Math. To date, it is the worlds most used Mathematics website. Over 10,000 schools worldwide are registered, and over 3.5 million students use the website. The site covers all aspects of Mathematics and is suitable for students aged 5 to 18. The website is unique in the sense that it responds to the individual student and their strengths and weaknesses. Students know if they are on the right track and can improve at their own pace, including step by step animated support, which is like having an animated teacher on your shoulder, guiding you through the whole process. Another aspect of the site is “Live Mathematics”, which interests many of the students. This is where they can challenge Mathletes around the world!  They challenge each other to real time mental math games of speed and skill. Teachers are fully integrated into the website and set the pace for each individual student, without students feeling segregated from their peers. They are able to control what ability range the student can access as well as the course content. Weekly progress reports can also be emailed to parents, to keep them in the loop.

Challenge your class mates or other ‘Mathletes’ in other countries
Challenge your class mates or other ‘Mathletes’ in other countries

Parent/Teacher Comments

“The Mathletics program has been absolutely magnificent for us in amplifying the intellectual engagement of our students. Students have become hooked and are going online every chance they get. This website has the potential to revolutionize the way that I teach math, and I look forward seeing it in action throughout the school year” (Math Teacher, Rowntree Montessori).

“We can’t get the kids off the computer. As soon as they come home, they are on the Mathletics website. It’s great to have them interested in completing the units of work so they can earn more online rewards” (Rowntree parent).

The students have really enjoyed the site. From their first time using the program, after setting up their personal avatar, they couldn’t contain themselves! You could hear comments like “I’m playing against someone in the UK or someone from Australia!” (Rowntree parent).

Keep track of your progress in each unit of work
Keep track of your progress in each unit of work
Choose your Avatar and earn achievement points to personalize it
Choose your Avatar and earn achievement points to personalize it

RMS encourages all parents to take an active role in their child’s mathematics progress and to celebrate their child’s successes.

To see more posts about Math related activities at Rowntree Montessori Schools, click here.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you the private school community of which we are so proud!

To learn more about Rowntree Montessori Schools (RMS), continue browsing our website and ideally drop by any of our welcoming, friendly and family oriented campuses for a personal tour anytime Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:00pm. If you prefer, call to book an appointment for a personal tour anytime Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:00pm.

More details about Rowntree Montessori Schools‘ approach to education can be seen by clicking here.

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