Montessori education is well-known for helping children prepare for school and life. The student-led classrooms help foster independence, encourage responsibility, and ensure your little one has the skills to thrive as an adult. There are several ways these institutions will accomplish this.
Student Mentoring
Long ago, these schools focused on primary education. According to the American Montessori Society, Dr. Montessori’s early research centered on young children’s education. In the 1920s, she began to focus more on adolescence. There are various ages in these institutions today, making mentoring programs possible. This helps little ones develop more skills and encourages responsibility in older kids.
Student-Led Education
Students are often in charge of their education. Teachers are present but serve as guides for children in classrooms. They can choose from various activities, helping them learn to prioritize their time and encouraging self-regulation. Our students also learn to assess their behavior and outcomes, which is another essential life skill.
Organizational Skills
Visiting one of these institutions’ classrooms can be baffling in the beginning. There are few bins for toys, and the room remains well-organized as children play quietly. This is because they are taught to put away educational items as soon as they are done with them. Students also help clean rooms and may participate in making meals. Doing so helps them learn the importance of remaining organized.
Problem Solving
Montessori education teaches children to solve problems independently in various ways. Education toys and manipulatives, such as puzzles, encourage critical thinking skills in young students. They’re often encouraged to solve puzzles and problems on their own or taught the skills necessary to do so. This helps them learn to accomplish goals and solve problems as adults.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution remains an essential real-world skill. Society emphasizes communication, and these schools help teach that. Instead of instantly disciplining children to resolve conflicts, teachers work with them to help them learn conflict-resolution skills. These skills prove to be invaluable in the workplace.
Leadership Skills
A Montessori school will offer various opportunities for your kids to develop leadership skills. Activities like student council teach the students time management, how to organize events, team building activities, and how to delegate tasks. Older children mentoring younger ones further encourage responsible leadership.
Montessori schools continue to increase in popularity as many parents learn their benefits. Contact us to schedule a tour today!